Friday, February 16, 2007

Semi-Self Portrait

To get to and from a job interview I had in D.C. this afternoon, I again relied on our really good metro system (one of the better ones around, as far as I'm concerned). On my way home, I happened to glance in the window of my car and saw this reflection of my hand -- which seems to be gripping the seat in front of me rather tightly (a sign of anxiety??). I snapped a quick camera phone pic (since it would have been really odd for the prospective employer to find that I was carrying a camera around in my coat pocket), and was amazed to find the circle of color eminating from my hand; I didn't see it in the window, but when I downloaded it at home, there it was!


Sandie said...

I love this shot. That is so cool about the light circle that seems to be coming from your hand. I hope the interview went well.

Dancingirl said...

Neat shot. It's interesting that you noticed your hand and then took the picture. I find myself noticing more, too. And the ring of color is pretty amazing! I hope you're happy with how the interview went.

NoVA Dad said...

The interview was actually the third in a series at an association in D.C., and all of them have gone well. I'm keeping my fingers crossed (and the prayers active) that the right job comes along when it's supposed to.

SUSAN said...

Your hand shot is very telling. Unique photo and I like the rainbow...seems very hopeful! Hope all goes well with the job. They say "third times the charm."
