Thursday, January 11, 2007

It's Like giving Up a Member of the Family

Getting rid of books is, to me, the same as giving up one of your children -- I just can't do it. However, I finally decided that it would be healthy for me (and would make my wife happy) to get rid of the ones that have been setting on the shelves for years without ever being read. I assume some of you know the story: you read a great review of a book, or see one that looks interesting on the shelf at the bookstore, and before you know it, it's in your house.

I have a lot of those, and I finally decided that it was time for them to go (which serves two functions: shelf space is freed up for other things, and it gives me a project to keep me a little bit busy). They're not being thrown to the curb, though; I'm taking them to an independent bookseller not far from the house. Hopefully, they will all end up in a good home. This picture is just a small sample of the many volumes that have been stacked or boxed up and are ready to be shipped out.....


Sandie said...

We have so many books, that I have to rotate them every year on 4 year cycle. So at any one time I have about 1/4 of my books out in the house and the rest in the shed. I do have a couple shelves of 'good friends' that I never rotate though.

Every few years my dh strongly suggests that I find other homes for the ones that go unread :)

SUSAN said...

I send your forth with can do it Matt!! Let us know how it goes!

*she sheepishly looks at the overflowing bookshelf to her right*


Unknown said...

Wonderful sentiment and truth... but you can do it!

Anonymous said...

It's extremely hard for my husband and I to give up a book. Good for you. I'm not there yet!!