Saturday, January 27, 2007

So What Did I Do Today?

I took a cue from Julie and decided I would snap some images showing what a day in my life -- in this case, a Saturday -- might be like. It started with a quick view of all of the cars in the driveway -- a sure sign that family is in town and the baby is almost here.

It was then off to take Little Miss to her weekly ballet class. The more she does it, the more excited she gets -- and here, she's making a mad dash for the steps leading up to the door of the studio.

And here is she afterwards; rough morning!

Her nap was interrupted when we met up with her mother and the in-laws at a new restaurant we had discovered, Sweetwater Tavern. It's three minutes from our house, and we've never eaten there. The exterior looks a bit like the Alamo, and the interior has a really modern, southwestern feel to it -- high, beamed ceilings, and a funky mix of colors.

Of course, the drinks were flowing during lunch. This martini belonged to someone at the table, but I promised that when I posted this I wouldn't say to WHOM it belonged.

My wife and I then went and did some last-minute shopping for the baby's room; we got a new changing table and this little onesie that I just couldn't pass up.

Last stop of the day was to pick up some new material for the reading list, and a warm cup of cafe mocha (skim, decaf, and although I normally don't get whip, my wife made sure they piled it on!).


Dancingirl said...

I enjoyed this series on your day and your comments. The one of your dd sleeping is so sweet and I like the onesie! So did you buy both those books?

NoVA Dad said...

I did indeed -- I can't pass up good books, especially when I've got a discount card that I can use to buy them!!:-)

margaretm said...

Very fun seeing your day! Mmm, mocha...

SUSAN said...

Looks like a fun day, Matt! I know who you will be photographing soon. :-) I hope your wife has a smooth, quick and easy delivery.


karen said...

I loved this. Thanks for sharing!