Friday, April 20, 2007

Any Guesses?

I'll have to come up with a prize for whoever can figure out what this is. I didn't intend for this picture to come out this way, but it looks pretty cool and conjures up all sorts of images of fairies and magical creatures. Start your guessing!


Unknown said...

I thought maybe a swinging lantern or flashlight... Very cool!

Sandie said...

I am not sure what it is, but it really has an errie feel. :)

SUSAN said...

The moon with your finger over part of the lens? ;-) It is very magical looking!


NoVA Dad said...

Susan you're right (although in all fairness, my youngest sister contacted me off-line with the winning guess). I was trying to get a good shot of the crescent moon through the trees; unfortunately, my hands shake so badly that I wasn't sure that I got anything until I saw this picture of a night-time fairy.

TitanThirteen said...

Is it looking down on a solar garden light at night?

TitanThirteen said...

My hubby thinks it's a lighthouse :o)