Saturday, April 7, 2007

Getting Ready for Easter Eve Church

When it comes to getting ready for the big Easter family service on Easter Saturday, my daughters have two completely different approaches to things.....


Sandie said...

I love the contrasts! Both pictures are adorable.

I have tried to enjoy the Great Vigil service, but I just can't. It is way too long for me. I like the shorter ones all week long :) Ours starts at 7pm with the lighting of the Pascal Fire and then goes until 11:00 pm because they finish with a full Easter Service so that people don't have to come back Sunday morning.

my15minutes said...

I tend to adopt the second daughter's method of getting ready! It's 5 am and I still have all the cooking to do! :-) Happy Easter!

Dancingirl said...

They're both dolls! So sweet.